Ty Brown — Exposed!

Kevin Morris
3 min readDec 13, 2020

“When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back!”

-Cave Johnson

It’s his favorite quote, one he has recited many times in conversation with his colleagues. Its one of his biggest inspirations in his day to day life, he draws power and motivation to do better every day from it. Who is he? Well, he is, the man, the myth, arguably even the legend, to put it simply,

Ty Brown.

But! He has been hiding something from all of society for all of his life, a secret so damning, it could ruin everything, his career, his social life, his entire existence could be devastated by this secret being revealed to the public. Benjamin Franklin once said -

“Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”

So after reading this article, you may want to watch your back.

But what is this secret you may wonder? WE wondered to for a very long time, but eventually we found out, and today, We will share our crucial knowledge with the rest of the world.

The one and only Ty Brown, has a crippling addiction that has influenced his entire upbringing, an obsession that makes all his other characteristics pale in comparison. That obsession is, that he loves -

Beanie Babies.

Tiny White Seal

To give some backstory on Ty Brown, although we are sure you already know who he is, Ty Brown, born in Irvine, California on September 9th, 2003. He moved to San Jose not long after his birth, where he lived a fairly quiet life. Seems fairly typical, but it would take a turn.

We discovered an interview with Ty brown where he disclosed some information about his life, and we believe we may have found the root of this obsession, from a story about his childhood. He states in the interview after a question about his childhood inspirations.

Interviewer — So did you have any childhood inspirations?

Ty — Are you talking about people? Or are you saying more like general inspirations.

Interviewer — It can be people, quotes, really anything.

Ty — Well I remember this one time when I was little, I was in a Walgreens with my parents when I saw a- uh, a stuffed animal right.

Interviewer — A stuffed animal?

Wallace the Bear

Ty — Bear with me here, I noticed it because it had a small tag on it that said Ty. I asked my mom why the stuffed bear had my name on it and she told me that it was a Beanie Baby, made by a company called Ty.

Interviewer — That makes a lot more sense now I guess, but why did that bear inspire you?

Ty — Well it wasn't the bear so much as it was the- uh, the message I saw in the bear. When I saw that bear, and this may not make much sense, but my little brain saw that my name could be like, this company, and I somehow drew the comparison that maybe I could one day have a big company and have my name on something in a store. I know that doesn't really make sense because there is obviously already a company called Ty, but I didn't think about that when I was a little kid.

Interviewer — Is that really the inspiration that you want to go with for this?

Ty — It was just on the the first thing I thought of, there is obviously more.

Interviewer — Lets continue on with that.

We are led to believe that this memory from his childhood has led him down this obsessive path.

Its debatable how harmful this obsession could be to his career and life, from our perspective it could be devastating, however that can be left up to interpretation. The least we can say is that the world is now aware of this information, and we will now see what will happen to the life of Ty.

